Saturday 24 March 2012

Early morning mutterings

A very old one now for you.
I wrote this when I was turning 14 and went on a creative writing course in Arvon, Devon.
Consequently, I stayed in Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath's old house where they brought up their children :)
It was a fantastic experience and was where I met Caroline Bird (who has inspired me to write poetry properly ever since)

So, wherever you are Caroline - this is for you.

Early morning mutterings

Have you ever kneeled down
And watched the world grow up?
At dawn I saw a delicate feather
Plucked from the oceans above us
I gazed at it
Pirouetting through the breeze
Prancing like a praying mantis
Twirling harmoniously
It was awake,
Simply dancing

The feather walking
The spiral staircase of the air
It lands.

If you shut your eyes to the city
You'll hear it kiss the ground.


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